How do I answer a statement?
Dignitas is a collaborative site for keeping track of statements made by politicians. That is why every answer counts and we thank you for your help. Here is a guide to writing an answer that is as useful as possible.
Answer form
At the end of the statement page there is a form for composing an answer. It has only two fields:
- Content: The format is free, but you can use the button toolbar for formatting. If you need more complex formatting, then below the field you will find links to the complete documentation of the Markdown syntax.
- Verdict: Optionally, choose a verdict if you think your answer can decide the truth value of the statement. The verdict applies only to your answer, but a moderator can accept it to adjudicate the statement.
After publication, you can edit the answer whenever you want to improve it. Don't forget that the rest of the community can edit your answer as well.
Build an argument
A short answer helps, but a more detailed explanation is more convincing.
Try to answer the statement. Focus on the goal, which is the statement's key element. If you wish, address other elements of the statement that may differentiate a 100% true or false verdict from a partial verdict.
Provide external links to support your analysis! Where appropriate, these may be official statistics, statements from official channels (e.g. party websites), the code of laws, etc. We encourage you to put the links in context so that readers understand why you are offering them. A response consisting of a single external link is not very useful.
Be neat
We don't just want perfectly formulated answers, and the community can later polish the answer with edits. However, we encourage you to use correct grammar, syntax and punctuation. A more cursive answer will garner even more positive votes!
Prefer well-written statements
Statements with bad formatting do not always require an answer, for example:
- unclear statements (either from the source or incorrectly quoted on Dignitas);
- statements that convey opinions, not facts;
- statements that already exist on Dignitas (duplicate statements);
- statements that do not meet the Dignitas criteria.
In these cases:
- you can edit the statement if you think it is worth it and can be improved;
- you can ignore it to focus on another;
- you can report it if you believe it has serious flaws and should be closed or deleted.
Be polite
Political discussions are notorious for the fact that spirits heat up easily. However, it is important to remain calm and polite. Adopt a neutral tone and use cold arguments, not epithets.
The vast majority of registered users and anonymous readers are decent and well-meaning people. Also, the articles on Dignitas are written for posterity, not just for now. When writing an answer, think about these things and the higher purpose of Dignitas, not just about the minority of users who try to divert the discussion to ridicule.