What is the trust level?

For politiciansinsert_link

The trust level of an author (politician) is a score between 0% and 100% that reflects how often the author told the truth, how consistent their opinions were and how well they kept their promises.

The trust level is only defined for authors that have at least 6 statements with a proof. These do not include statements without a verdict, undecidable statements and blocked promises.

Here is the list of statements counting towards the trust level, along with their respective scores:

  • true claim: 100%;
  • generally true claim: 75%;
  • mixed claim: 50%;
  • generally false claim: 25%;
  • false claim: 0%;
  • consistency (not a flip-flop): 100%;
  • half-flop: 50%;
  • flip-flop: 0%;
  • kept promise: 100%;
  • kept promise, but late: 75%;
  • partially kept promise: 50%;
  • broken promise: 0%;

The trust level is calculated as the average score for all statements taken into account.

For simplicity, the trust level shown on the author's profile page only takes one of four values:

  • trust level below 25% (for any trust level between 0% and 24.99%);
  • trust level below 50% (for any trust level between 25% and 49.99%);
  • trust level above 50% (for any trust level between 50% and 74.99%);
  • trust level above 75% (for any trust level between 75% and 100%).

For political partiesinsert_link

The trust level of a political party is a score between 0% and 100% and it's calculated just like the trust level of a politician (as the average score for all statements taken into account). In the case of a political party, the only difference is that all statements made by current members of the party are taken into account.


Example 1:

A politician has 6 statements with verdicts on Dignitas, of which two claims are false, one claim is true, another claim is mixed and two promises are broken. The score for these statements are:

  • 0 (zero) points for the two false claims;
  • 1 point for the true claim;
  • 0.5 points for the mixed claim;
  • 0 (zero) points for the two broken promises.

The average score is (0 + 1 + 0,5 + 0) / 6 = 0.25.

Therefore, this politician's trust level is 25%. Their profile page will contain the message "Trust level below 50%".

Example 2:

A politician has 13 statements with verdicts on Dignitas, of which one claim is true, another claim is generally true, four promises are kept, five other promises are partially kept, and two other promises are broken. The scores for these statements are:

  • 1 point for the true claim;
  • 0.75 points for the generally true claim;
  • 1 point for each of the four kept promises;
  • 0.5 points for each of the five partially kept promises;
  • 0 (zero) points for the two broken promises.

The average score is (1 + 0.75 + 1×4 + 0.5×5 + 0) / 13 = 0.63.

Therefore, this politician's trust level is 63%. Their profile page will contain the message "Trust level above 50%".
