What types of statements can I add?
Dignitas is a site for determining the truth value of political statements made by public figures. To be considered, a statement must meet the following criteria:
- Attribution. It must be easy to verify that the person actually made the statement.
- Notability. Dignitas deals with statements made by the President of Romania, ministers, members of parliament, party leaders, mayors, county and local councilors or their spokespersons.
- Official quality. Dignitas only deals with statements made in the discharge of people's official duties (including on social networks).
- Impact. The statement must be related to the quality of life of citizens.
- Verifiability. The claim must be able to be confirmed or refuted, at least in part, on the basis of data and facts.
What kind of statements cannot I add?
Dignitas does not deal with statements that do not meet the above criteria, such as:
- Statements which cannot clearly be attributed to the person cited:
- statements that do not mention the source;
- statements taken from dubious sources;
- inaccurately copied statements, paraphrases or statements taken out of context.
- Statements relating to the private or social life of civil servants:
- statements made on entertainment shows or columns;
- statements about personal tastes, lifestyle, etc.
- Extremely vague or equivocal opinions or statements. For example:
- "Practice X should be legalized", "The punishment for Y should be increased". These are opinions without a truth value.
- "Romania is well seen by the world". Who sees us well? From what point of view?
Such statements will probably be flagged and closed.
Interface language changed. Page contents (statements, answers etc.) are still in the language in which they were written.
Interface language changed. Page contents (statements, answers etc.) are still in the language in which they were written.