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What we do

We debunk false political statements in Romania, through fact-checking. We use a collaborative model, find out how you can contribute.

recent statements
claim verdict: mostly true
Our model

Add new statements

We collect and analyze political statements. From these we can compute the trustworthiness of each politician.

what statements we collect
How Dignitas works, step 1
How Dignitas works, step 2

Vote other users' answers

Working with other users lets you gain reputation and earn privileges on the platform.

how to vote on Dignitas

Gain reputation points

When your contributions receive upvotes and help establish the truth value of statements, your reputation increases.

how to earn reputation
How Dignitas works, step 3
How Dignitas works, step 4

Earn new privileges

More rights and more responsibilities for top contributors.

view the privileges list

Decide the truth value of statements

Dignitas uses a six-step truth scale, similar to other fact checking platforms.

view the truth scale
How Dignitas works, step 5

In order to understand our collaborative fact-checking model completely, we recommend reading the articles in the Help section.